During these days of such division in the world, and at a time of major transition in our own church, this six-week sermon series on unity, “That They May Be One,” is drawn from the Gospels and derives its title from the words of Jesus in the High Priestly Prayer in John 17. In support of this series, these studies, also focusing on the theme of unity, are based on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, where his overarching theme is the bringing of all things in heaven and on earth under the loving rule of Christ. This great unifying of all creation under Christ’s rule has earthy and practical implications for our earthly lives, including for our own inner lives as individuals, as well as for our families, for the church, and between nations and peoples. May God meet you and your group as you work through these studies, and by his Holy Spirit may he help you make real in increasing measure the unity that Paul speaks so expansively about in this remarkable letter.