LAST UPDATED 12/31/2021 Leaders, On Thursday May 27th, 2021, the Ohio Department of Health announced the cancellation of the Ohio Public Heath Advisory System. Because of of the availability of the vaccine, the decreasing case rates, and this guidance from Ohio Department of Health, we are removing any restrictions for […]
As a church, we just finished the series Recover Your Life where we emphasized practices to restore rhythm. In the same way, we want to resource you (whether meeting with your group, connecting with your family or by engaging with God by yourself) to experience the Advent season afresh! This […]
Some of you may be unaware that my formal training is in business management. When I was getting my MBA, I had to read a book called The Goal by Eli Goldratt. And while the book doesn’t age particularly well, the emphasis of the book was simplifying problems down to one goal. One of the ways that the main character, Alex, is mentored is by reverse […]
Open Now Emotionally Focused: Foundation Intensive (online) Emotionally Focused: Foundation Intensive (online) – a process that integrates several different tools that resonate deeply with personal health and growth. At this retreat, we take a look at the anxiety that might drive most of us away from ministry and mission. We […]
Leaders, We write you with gratefulness for the ways you’ve walked through this incredibly hard past year. As Spring has sprung and we find ourselves encouraged with the access to vaccines increasing, bringing with it easier contact with grandchildren, family, friends, and the hope of soon being more ‘gathered’ and less ‘scattered.’ If you haven’t yet had […]