Series-Based Studies
Sermon Series Summary We are living amidst a seismic cultural shift. We are drowning in entertainment, 24/7 news, and constant accessibility and noise. In this post-truth, post-Christian, and post-everything world of ours – what does it look like to be the church in this context. The temptation is to retreat, to huddle […]
During our Naturally Supernatural sermon series, we are focusing on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Our small groups are places to learn, practice and grow in recognizing the Holy Spirit’s activity. What is a lab? When we say lab, we mean a laboratory, or an experimental setting […]
The 13-week “Let’s Rebuild” sermon series on the Book of Nehemiah invites us as a church into a season of intentional rebuilding after a year of pandemic, social upheaval, political strife, and change in our own church. These ten companion studies are written to help you and your group join […]
The Book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that normal life is full of times and seasons, of ups and downs, and that in the end, “there is a time for every purpose under heaven.” These studies accompany the 4-part series entitled “To Everything There Is a Season,” and follow up on the themes of […]
During these days of such division in the world, and at a time of major transition in our own church, this six-week sermon series on unity, “That They May Be One,” is drawn from the Gospels and derives its title from the words of Jesus in the High Priestly Prayer in John 17. In support of this series, these studies, also focusing […]