Click here to watch the sermons in our “Just Mercy” series. Download these studies using the links provided below the series description.

Just Mercy
January 2020
The cross of Christ is the ultimate expression of both the justice and the mercy of God. Jesus suffered so that the true cost of our sin could be atoned for, and in Jesus, God offered himself in the person of his own Son in order to pay the price of that very atonement. In one act – Christ’s death on the cross – we see the full expression and embodiment of God’s unfailing commitment to both justice and mercy in the way he governs all of creation.
But apart from the cross – throughout the entire Old Testament, in the broad sweep of Jesus’ earthly ministry, and following both the cross and the resurrection, we see the unfailing commitment of the Triune God to these same fundamental commitments – justice and mercy. The experience of many of the Patriarchs as refugees and sojourners; the experience of the Jewish people as slaves in Egypt; the 40 years that Israel wandered in the wilderness after leaving Egypt; the deep commitment of the Mosaic Law not only to purity and personal holiness, but to the just treatment of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan; the unambiguous preference in the earthly ministry of Jesus for those who “need a physician,” and for the “least, the last, and the lost;” and the historic commitment of the Church to remember and care for those the world has forgotten – all of these things bear witness to the intertwining of both justice and mercy in the economy of God. Justice speaks to and influences the way that God sows mercy into the world, and mercy does the same as regards the way God sows justice into the world. Justice and mercy are the best of friends in the economy of God, and because this is so, they must be the best of friends in the way his people work out his purposes in the world.
In this sermon series, entitled “Just Mercy,” we will touch on this intertwining of justice and mercy by looking into four practical contexts in our own communities where, if we are to walk in the way of Jesus, we must embrace the way of “just mercy.” The first of these regards the way we engage with immigrants and refugees in the world, the second with the tragedy of sex trafficking both worldwide and in our own communities, the third with God’s special love for those with special needs, and the fourth with the heart of God for the widow, the orphan, and the foreigner. Our prayer is that as you and your group engage with God through his word and his Spirit in this series, he will transform you in heart, mind, and action in the way you engage with the “least, the last, and the lost,” and increasingly lead you in the ways of “just mercy” in every sphere of life.
How to use this study series
Having all studies provided at the start of a sermon series will give leaders the opportunity to give studies to potential teachers or co-leaders weeks ahead of time. Our prayer is that many more disciples of Jesus will feel comfortable sharing and leading others in discussion during small group.
You are encouraged to briefly look over all studies before you teach or hand them out to alternative teachers within the group. Also, be sure to review the Prayer Ministry section in advance, as in some cases the suggested exercise may require some advance preparation.
If you have any questions, please email us at: