Morning Coffee Devotional

A liturgy for coffee

A LITURGY FOR THE Ritual of Morning Coffee

Meet me, O Christ, 
in this stillness of morning. 

Move me, O Spirit, 
to quiet my heart. 

Mend me, O Father, 
from yesterday’s harm’s. 

From the discords of yesterday, 
resurrect my peace. 

From the discouragements of yesterday, 
resurrect my hope. 

From the weariness of yesterday, 
resurrect my strength. 

From the doubts of yesterday, 
resurrect my faith. 

Found the wounds of yesterday, 
resurrect my love. 

Let me enter this new day 
aware of my need, 
and awake 
to your grace, O Lord.  


Read Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.


centering prayer 

“Centering Prayer is a form of silent, contemplative prayer that draws us towards our relationship with God. It is used as a movement beyond conversation with Christ to communion with Him. Feel free to pray the centering prayer below with words that fit your relationship with God.”

Lord, I come before you to wait in you presence.  
Please help me to find rest here.  
I want to trust you and your perfect will.