During our Naturally Supernatural sermon series, we are focusing on the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. Our small groups are places to learn, practice and grow in recognizing the Holy Spirit’s activity.
What is a lab?
When we say lab, we mean a laboratory, or an experimental setting to learn and practice. Jesus did not primarily teach in classroom settings but in ” real world lab settings.” For his followers there was teaching combined with practice. Jesus would gradually release his followers to do what he did after they had seen him do it. His expectation was that his disciples would do likewise.
Author Alexander Venter says it like this:
Show: Jesus did it – modelling while they watched
Tell: He interacted with them so that they learned from what they saw
Show: Then he got them to do it while he watched
Tell: They interacted with him, learning form what they had done or did not do.Then he sent them to do it, and they reported back to give account — periodic interaction for further learning and ongoing accountability.
Doing Healing, 4th Edition. Alexander Venter p.161
So in turn, we invite you to “learn by doing” in this lab experience on the Holy Spirit. Our aim is that everyone who is a part of Vineyard Columbus would experience God’s empowering presence, learn to hear God’s voice, and practice praying for others,
How to access the Lab Content and Lab Book

To access all of the Vineyard Labs: Holy Spirit content (the videos, the PDF and printable lab book, and more), please create an account at RightNow Media. Click the image above or text RightNowVC to 49775.
A Suggested Schedule for this Series
If you meet weeks 1 and 2 consider doing an Inductive Bible Study on the first two chapters of Luke. Here is a resource on how to do an Inductive Study.
Week 1 – Sermon Title: Doing the Stuff (1/2)
Small Group Time: Inductive Study – Luke 1
Week 2 – Sermon Title: Preparing for the Holy Spirit
Small Group Time: Inductive Study – Luke 2 (1/9)
Week 3 – Sermon Title: Kingdom of God 101 (1/16)
Small Group Time: Lab 1 (2 Videos + Discussion Questions)
Teaching: What Is the Kingdom of God? (Video 1)
Practice: Listening Prayer (Video 2)
Discussion: Reflection Questions from the Companion Guide
Week 4 – Sermon Title: How To Be Spiritually Free (1/23)
Small Group Time: Lab 2 (2 Videos + Discussion Questions)
Teaching: Who is the Holy Spirit and How God Speaks (Video 1)
Practice: Practicing Ministry Time (Video 2)
Discussion: Reflection Questions from the Companion Guide
Week 5 – Sermon Title: How Jesus Heals (1/30)
Small Group Time: Lab 3 (2 Videos + Discussion Questions)
Teaching: The Vineyard Prayer Model (Video 1)
Practice: Practicing the Vineyard Prayer Model (Video 2)
Discussion: Reflection Questions from the Companion Guide
Holy Spirit Conference Week with Mike Pilavachi (2/5)
Attend with your group!
Week 6 – Sermon Title: Who Jesus Heals (2/12)
Small Group Time: Lab 4 (2 Videos + Discussion Questions)
Teaching: Prophecy, Words of Knowledge & Wisdom (Video 1)
Practice: Discussion and Reflection (Video 2)
Discussion: Reflection Questions from the Companion Guide
Week 7 – The Role of Faith in Healing (2/19)
Small Group Time: Lab 5 (2 Videos)
Teaching: Praying for Healing (Video 1)
Practice: Using the Vineyard Prayer Model to pray for healing (Video 2)
Discussion: Reflection Questions from the Companion Guide
Week 8 – The Sending Out of the 12 and 72 (2/26)
Small Group Time: Lab 6 (2 Videos + Discussion Questions)
Teaching: A Theological Framework on Spiritual Warfare (Video 1)
Practice: Discussion and Reflection (Video 2)
Discussion: Reflection Questions from the Companion Guide